Brian and I touched down in Puerto Vallarta after two easy flights. I’m terrified of flying and am often convinced that each flight I’m on will be my last. As I sit white-knuckled in my tiny seat I have visions of the plane careening to earth in a fireball of destruction. Then I think, is this a premonition? It is a dirty, dirty rabbit hole that I descend, friends. Luckily, I am not clairvoyant. Thus, we made it to Mexico in one piece. There wasn’t even turbulence.
Puerto Vallarta
Our first stop in Mexico was a 3-day vacation in Puerto Vallarta where we rented a room in a beautiful boutique hotel called Luna Liquida. The hotel was situated at the very tippy top of a street that essentially ascended a mountainside at 90 degrees. It is about one billion degrees in Mexico right now with two billion percent humidity, so each trek up that hill had me sweating so much I could wring out my clothes like I’d worn them for a swim in the ocean. That was the bad news. The good news was that our hotel was stunning, the staff was lovely, and we were the only guests and therefore had the rooftop pool all to ourselves.

We didn’t do much in Puerto Vallarta except go for runs, drink margaritas, eat our weight in guacamole, and attempt the world record for longest-sit-in-a-rooftop-pool.
Yesterday we caught a cab to Wal-Mart and then a bus from Wal-Mart to our new temporary home of Sayulita (cost of bus: 30 pesos per person). The bus dropped us off at the edge of town and we humped our very heavy backpacks towards our apartment. Our first glimpse of Sayulita was promising. We passed yoga studios, smoothie stands, tiny tiendas, and one lonely burro tied to a tree. We walked up a steep hill, then about 100 stone steps, and finally arrived at our little apartment by the sea.

Brian and I each have a desk in our apartment and we have a refrigerator when the propane guy comes on Monday we will have a functioning stove as well. We have a nice view of the ocean from our window and can watch the surfers riding waves into shore. It is motherlove hot here, we sweat all hours of the day and night without AC, but otherwise, our apartment is a comfortable space, not perfect, but not too shabby either. I will post more pictures soon.

I sat down at my desk to write this morning, stared blankly at my computer screen for almost two hours, then gave up and headed to the beach. I’d hoped to dive into my new projects right away but it’s clear I need some time to adjust. After seven months of manic travel, this slow pace feels a bit unnerving. Still, I think it’s likely that Mexico will work her magic on me in no time.

Beautiful beach…